Wilfords Lane Wetlands Bird Walk
Grade and Distance: - observation must be done from the corner of Wilfords Lane
Vegetation Types - farmland, wetland
What to look for:
Bird species such as Straw-necked Ibis (uncommon around here) and White-necked Heron can be seen along Wilfords Lane. The wetlands back up from Burrill Lake and there will be more birds after good rains. A scope is useful as the land between the road and the wetlands is private property and the wetlands are some distance away. Common birds on the wetlands include Swans, Teal, Blackwinged Stilt, Black-fronted Dotterel, Masked Lapwing and Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (summer). Uncommon birds for the area that have been seen here include Pink-eared Duck, Australasian Shoveler, Rednecked Avocet and Wood Sandpiper. Look for Nankeen Kestrel on power poles, Brown Falcon and Jacky Winter along fences and Pipits in the grass.
Downloadable PDF List for all bird species recorded on Birdata at Wilfords Lane Wetlands
Turn west from the Princes Highway at the Milton lights into Croobyar Road then left into Wilfords Lane. Drive to the end of Wilfords Lane (about 3 km) and park before the sharp right turn into private property.
Links to all the self-guided Shoalhaven bird walks: